Hi my name is Vicki and I am your Park Lane Fashion Director.
I work full time as well as committing to my Park Lane Buisness.
Please take a look at the online catelogue where you either have the choice to place an order online or contact me to place and order directly where I Can properly explain the HUGE discounts avaliable to you as a part of Park Lanes customer bonus plan.
I also am avaliable for private showings where you get a group of friends together and go out for coffee or even in the comfort of your own home for me to do a jewellery showing and styling session where you can try on the jewllery and see it before you make a purchase. Just by doing this you can earn rewards of up to $400 in free jewellery credit as a part of Park Lanes 5 star hostess plan.
I love this buisness, I get paid to dress up, accessorise with beautiful jewellery and show it off at all sorts of places!